A commentary on the statements of the President of the Conference of Ministers of Education (article from Spiegel HIER), that boys and girls should be taught separately in certain subjects such as mathematics or science.

I now find it more than terrifying how quickly education is changing in Germany. It is felt that there are new plans every year or at the latest after every PISA study to "improve" teaching. Real time for the development and impact of these so-called reforms is not granted.
Here are my 3 personal reasons why one should not teach gender-separated, but should be gender-specific:
1. It's hard to believe, but young people learn not only from adults, but also from classmates. To deny them entirely food for thought or even ideas of the opposite sex in certain subjects is more than questionable.
2. Whether you like it or not: Even teachers would probably have to carry the moods from above again. Good teachers, and there are some of them in Germany, plan their lessons in a gender-specific manner and provide incentives for both genders to deal with a subject. So why tighten up what actually belongs to the job? proportions of girls and boys are not the same in different school types or in the various federal states of Germany. This would most likely result in the organizational effort of scheduling increasing. But it could also lead to more classes due to gender segregation. Are there enough teachers to absorb this extra effort, which is very likely to occur? In times of teacher shortage in Germany (as of February 2020): No.
3. There are enough other construction sites when it comes to education. Wasn't there even talk of a digital package? I still know a number of IT vocational schools (here those who work with computers and technology usually learn) who have such a good IT infrastructure or network as a concrete house in the middle of a forest. Even Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows 7, but this is probably not yet known in schools. Perhaps it would be better to close construction sites first before tearing open the educational landscape even more to carry out an open heart surgery.
What do you think about gender segregation in certain subjects in German schools? Do you have experience yourself?
GameMaking-education-loving Dizzy