Hello everyone! So that's him! My very first DevBlog. Admittedly, I would like to use this first blog to introduce my game concept a bit and what the whole thing is supposed to be about. So let's start.

"How to become a good demon-daddy" is an episodic visual / kinetic novel. Wikipedia tells us that this is a genre from Japan in which the player can actively participate. A Visual Novel (VN) is text-based, a bit like a novel, but with pictures and music. Often there are also choices that can influence the end of the game. Except for the latter and other gameplay elements, this will also be the case with "How to become a good demon-daddy".
It's about telling a story in small, bite-sized episodes. Above all, this should correspond to my personal approach to the game: something to read for relaxation. Reading a novel is no longer the preferred method for many people today to acquire new knowledge and, above all, to expand their own vocabulary. The 2018 PISA study also clearly shows that the motivation to read is scarce among many younger people. I hope to be able to change this in this way and would like to support reading through image and music a little.
What is it about in the game now? Gareth is a young, trained pharmacist who works in a small suburb in his uncle's kiosk. Here he not only sells medicine, but also all sorts of other things. His regular customers Mr. Bigs and the friendly old lady Grandma Esme visit him at work regularly and have their own things in mind. Suddenly the earth trembles, everyone rushes outside just to be shot down by a meteorite impact.
The End? Not quite, because our young pharmacist wakes up in a strange place and is personally welcomed by King Benson IX in the Kingdom of Farfrieden. He was reincarnated in this strange world and should now support the legendary hero in his fight against the dark demon king. Unfortunately, it turns out that, apart from the strange and seemingly useless ability "mix herbs", Gareth was not given any special ability during his reincarnation, as is otherwise the case. His two "reincarnated" colleagues, the doctor from the doctor's office and a paramedic, who happened to be in the same place, were a little better equipped with skills. Rather, Gareth even has the feeling of hearing the voices of his late regular customers echo in his head.
How will our young hero find his way in this strange world? How does he meet the lovely demon Gwen and becomes her foster father? How do you become a good demon father? All of this should be clarified piece by piece in the first episode "How to become a good demon-daddy - Step 1: Travel into another world".
The game time (let's say runtime) will be about half an hour and (as already mentioned) there will be no further gameplay elements for the time being. The game is developed with the Tyranobuilder and initially contains graphics from Minikle (backgrounds) and Blue Forest (characters). It is planned to probably change this, thanks to an engine change (more information in the next, first DevBlog), the music that was previously acquired can no longer be used. So there is still a lot to do before the release.
Support me in my project financially! Good art and good music are very expensive and the money is put directly into financing these things. But I would rather have the money for what I do (blogging regularly) instead of what I need (art, music), so support me if you like what you see through my special "Donorbox".
LG Euer GameMaking-Cookie-eating Dizzy