Hello, dears,
the old week is over, a new one has begun. And again there is a lot to report about what has happened.
Pirate Pete's Treasure Task
Thanks to a friendly support I have fixed a few small spelling mistakes. English is not my native language and there are still some mistakes that could probably be avoided. So if anyone here has any suggestions for improvement, please let me know!
I have also started work on a translation into German (my actual mother tongue). But this time I don't want to release two separate versions like in "How to become a good demon-daddy - Step 1: Travel to another world!" So I have also better control of the uploads.
For this I have decided to use the plugin "Translation engine" from SumRndmDde, which allows me to do translations while playing. There have been some teething problems, but I still think that this was the right decision. There is still some work to be done, especially with the textbox sizes, but now there is a translation available for you to test.
Heroes of Magic Time
Thanks to a rather spontaneous action @Wuppi_Kun and I have already received a little feedback from the dear twitch-streamer MimiMaid (Attention! If you don't want to see massive spoilers for the planned update, don't watch the stream yet!)
Nevertheless, besides several (not previously tested anyway) feature flaws, she also made a few important comments that should definitely improve the overall gaming experience. At this point, a big thank you to her and her community! But to what extent all of this will be implemented until the next release is another question.
A longer bug list, which was created by this, has been worked off, progress in the story, to at least have a first thread here, has unfortunately not been made. But some bugs have been fixed, so still a little progress! But at least there are more map adjustments, you want to see a spoiler? Unfortunately this time there is no spoiler.

Project X
Also with the new project, which was simply given the working title "Project X", a little has changed! Of course I don't want to say much at this point, but this short game is developed (like most of my games) with RPG Maker MV, BUT with 32x32 tiles. If you still remember the bigger tiles from the XP-era, you know that much more details are possible. Also the "Chibi"-representation from the MV won't exist this way, because the characters simply look more proportioned.
However, this requires some adjustments for the MV, since the standard size of the tiles is 48x48. What I like about this engine is its unexpected flexibility through plugins. With the help of the tiled plugin and the external map editor Tiled it is possible to display almost all tile sizes with the MV. Unfortunately, I am still an absolute mapping beginner and have little knowledge of how to use this program. Only the layers, which are already preset in the MV wausi, I still have some starting difficulties.

For the untrained layman: The ground does not belong to the layer "upper1", which is set so that everything that is packed into this layer is above the player. What did this lead to? In the game test I did not see the player. And I didn't understand why and always blamed the plugin, even though it was my fault.
Otherwise it should be enough for today once again in development progress. Maybe just on the fringe. My little pirate demo has more than 1000 views on all upload platforms together! I thank all those who have already tested it. Also "How to become a good demon-daddy" broke the 1000 mark in about the same time period. For me as a beginner in game development this is a powerful number, for others probably rather less. But maybe you want to give both projects a little chance.
I wish everyone a great start into the new week!
P.S. If you liked the post, maybe think about a follow and/or hot chocolate via my co-fi account (https://ko-fi.com/gamemakingdizzy).