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DevBlog #2: Ultra User Interface Instinct (UUII)


A happy hello to everyone!   Time to show you the development process of my last week. This was all about user interfaces (UI).

Every good visual novel has appealing graphics that best support the feeling of the game. Not only backgrounds and characters are part of it, but also the embedding of the numerous texts. This is of course no different with "How to become a good demon-daddy".

That is why I have been looking for free material in the vastness of the Internet for the past week, because: I'm still getting used to the Tyranobuilder. So even if I find something nice, the question remains how to integrate it into the engine.


On the website of vita-chi sozaikan I finally found what I was looking for. It took some time before I finally downloaded my first UI.

And ... it has an ugly white background thanks to PAINT magnification! All right. Quickly install GIMP and readjust using tutorials.

And then ... I forgot the name box, so download it and start again. And now ... I have to merge both without a background. And managed ...! Phew! Now quickly uploading it in the Tyranobuilder and ... the font is not where it should be. ARGH! Good. Briefly researched and set correctly.

Ok ... for today and this week I give up, but here is my humble end result:

background by minikle, Textbox by Vita-chi sozaikan

(translation: Somewhere in a small suburb, life plays completely different games ...)

You can see how the UI fits in with the scenery. I like the frills that are not so intrusive. For me this is at least somewhat relaxing and gives the whole thing a relaxed touch. Maybe I have to adjust the text color and the font or the "transparency", but I'll save that for another time.

So that's it from me again for this time. As always, I'm open to comments and criticism, especially because I'm still an amateur in the graphics field. Until then: stay relaxed and in a good mood!


GameMaking-handling-with-thumbtacks Dizzy

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