Hello you reading landlubbers! Another week is over and a DevBlog shouldn't be missing. First of all: I haven't done much in the last week, because unfortunately I am very bad at the moment in terms of health. There has been some progress, of course, but more elsewhere.
Unfortunately, there has been no progress in the "Heroes of Magic Time" area, because it is up to the story to be processed properly. But since this was not feasible in terms of concentration, there is nothing new to report here.
Nevertheless, I also have good news. I was also able to start a short game with the wonderful name "Pirate Pete's Treasure Task" and also finish the first draft. What is it about? The player is a newcomer to a pirate crew and must first prove himself in his new team and find a crew treasure. Each crew member gives hints so that in the end you only have to combine them correctly. So nothing difficult, just a little mathematical logic in between (playing time: about 5-10 minutes per run, possibly shorter).

The title screen could look something like this. However, the font has already changed again and the color has not yet appealed to me. Nevertheless you can see that I am doing something with Time Fantasy Assets again. They are simple, retro and simply have something special about them.
If you are interested, you can inquire once to see at least a moving title screen with nice movement on itch. Unfortunately, that was it again for the last week. I wish readers a nice and good start to the week.
GameMaking-Pirate-looting Dizzy