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This is me! Every beginning is difficult


A friendly hello to you! The fact that you are here and reading this shows that you have decided to browse here and get to know me and my work a little.

So here we are: I, the writer and you, the reader. We both hope to get something out of this thing here, right?

As it should be, I would like to write a few lines here about my humble humility and what this whole thing is actually about.

Since I value privacy, you can just call me Dizzy. I owe this name to an incident in my youth. The participants were: an event about ... phew ... I don't remember that anymore, a hobby pianist (me) and fatigue after a long night before. That earned me this beautiful nickname from my band colleagues at the time, which I still use today. Otherwise Tobi is fine with me.

After my school days I started studying mathematics and physics with a focus on teaching. With my bachelor's degree in my pocket, I was already in the educational work of an educational institution as a language teacher. Since the master is out of the question for me, I am now a 30-year-old programmer in a medium-sized software company in Northern Germany, which specializes in ERP software. What a career! Don't you think so?

In terms of my hobby, I'm more on the comfortable road. I like programming at work, but I'm a little more relaxed at home. That's why it quickly got me into hobby game development. A few years ago, I helped out with a fan-made MMO about well-known pocket monsters as NPC scripters. I didn't have to do a lot of programming here (at least not feeling-wise), but I really learned a lot about crunchtime (there were Christmas events and other special things), clean code and other things. I especially liked the design of the game world. Allowing NPCs to react dynamically to certain events and thereby increase immersion is really an exciting challenge.

About my studies (physics protocols wanted to be written every week), but also as a writer of a forum newspaper, I have now decided not to keep my development progress just for myself. And this is exactly where you come in, dear reader. Come with me on this exciting journey of game development. Tell me what you like and what you don't. I share my thoughts with you, maybe you want to share your thoughts with me too. And if you really like what I'm doing here, I would be very happy about a small donation.

In any case, I would also like to use this blog for myself personally to record my thoughts and experiences for me. It helps me a lot when I read my steps and maybe even post a few pictures. So you can see my progress and so can I. And if you want to contribute something to the development or just something like that, this is the place to do so.

So ... enough text wall for now. Thank you in advance for reading this little introduction and hope to have something for you to read again soon. Stay relaxed and in a good mood! Your GameMaking-Bubble-Loving Dizzy

This is not really me, but it could be you


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