Hello everyone! Anyone who is a little interested in education has known for some time: PISA and IQB (Institute for Quality Development in Education) attest German students as poor reading ability as never before. According to the results, around a fifth of all students "cannot read and write enough to follow the lessons." (Source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). It should be noted here that PISA and IQB are rightly criticized for their informative value. However, many educational researchers use these educational tools to work on education.
What are the possible causes for this? Is it because of the increasingly changing living conditions around the topic of digital media? One could assume that students are no longer motivated to read because they can get everything directly from the Internet. You no longer have to store information and knowledge permanently, but can call it up at short notice.
For my part, I think that the problem of origin is reasonably well described by the following picture:

Are books to blame for insufficient reading ability? No! They are essential for a healthy language education. Educational researchers have recently found that reading aloud at 3 months of age is important for a child's emotional attachment. According to a study by stiftunglesen.de, many parents think that reading aloud is only for language development. In addition, over 20% of them believe that hidden objects or even reading the text from an e-reader are not part of the reading.
However, this is as wrong as the assumption that reading articles on the Internet is not correct reading. However, what should be clearly said here in the context of education is: learn to question sources and not to believe the very first thing you read about a topic.
Does education have anything to do with it? According to the study, yes. Couples from poorly educated classes should read to their children less frequently. Reading aloud should be part of the daily ritual, at least in baby age and until the end of primary school. It is not a question of "outsourcing" this to other educational institutions such as kindergarten or primary schools, but that it remains the responsibility of the parents. According to the researchers, this will not only help with language training, but also with the establishment of a healthy emotional relationship and the creation of motivation for the future future of reading through the common and quite exciting reading time. The time for fairy tales has never been more important than now!
What was the last thing you read (apart from this blog post)? Do you remember your favorite fairy tale? Which is it? Do you like to think back to the time of fairy tales or rather less?
Stay true to reading and above all, be in a good mood!
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